not only a volcano has managed this year to stop the human transport routes, no, the local Winter is able to do so. Who would have thought.
the weekend at Frankfurt airport, stranded sent word to, but avoid contact in Germany on the path, and the train asked them to give up the train ticket. Somehow funny. Can we continue to spin this story? China and South Korea not recommend the use of cheap labor starting from North Korea, the U.S. strongly discourage intervention from third countries for their own economic advantage, France strongly advises on deals off with North African dictators, the federal government advises from ignorance about the location of a nuclear repository and the transport of further 500 Castor containers, FIFA strongly discourages money gifts, Evo Morales strongly encourages the Kyoto Connection Agreement, the U.S. Border Police does not recommend crossing the border drug couriers, BP does not recommend due to unpredictable risks from further offshore oil production ... and the author of the further reading of this post.
Back to the traffic in Germany. The days are the fourth Advent many - mainly Christian - to those states with the most traffic, and unfortunately do not keep the Cyclones in it. How happy must
seeing that the visitors to be opened yesterday for 13 clock shopping centers to have spent a contemplative day in the company of many like-minded people. € 77 billion will be implemented in the German retail during the Christmas season. A little ashamed to have only the Brandenburg, as associated with a per capita output of about 70 € for gifts rear in Germany. This need not be so. Media support market especially the Christmas shopping with 0% financing. So, hop, hop, flux of the 60 "plasma TV including Blu-ray player, raves, and one is again an accepted member of stove. As a thank-you's on top of the current Donnersmarck. Heart, what more do you want?
The heart naturally wants love and affection. Needs, the gay soldiers of the American armed forces will no longer have to be inarticulate in the service. Bill Clinton 17 years ago adopted a policy that the same-servicemen and women while in the U.S. military were allowed to do their job, but had to hide their sexual orientation. Some 14,000 have been outed in the period to the present and were then dishonorably discharged from service. Now, after the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate approved the new rules and thus brought Obama early Christmas.
Well, basically you have to lose there are no other words except the same old question, why did it take so long again. I remember just exactly a portrait of the U.S. officers' cadre 'West Point'. There passes through only those who can show a letter of recommendation from members of Congress, under 23 and unmarried, is not to pay alimony and ... Standard ... above-average school performance has shown. Rugby is absolutely in the Academy THE sport, but before they prepared especially for the later war operations, "because the ball carrier Players in the victim role. " (Greg Daniels, who is responsible for physical education at West Point)
As long as the battle at 300 Spartans against an overwhelming army of Persian soldiers as role model for as long as cadets the question" Why? "No role plays as long as "duty, honor, country" the overriding motto is -. as long as a society has still a long way to go After all, are now allowed to openly gay and lesbian cadets once a year, "Brothers" bell rung on that we do. victorious return home.
--- Do not look what others do, / The others are so much /
You're coming into a game / That never will rest. /
walking path of God, / Let nothing else, his guide, / So you go
right and straight, and you left all alone.
(Christian Morgenstern)
You're coming into a game / That never will rest. /
walking path of God, / Let nothing else, his guide, / So you go
right and straight, and you left all alone.
(Christian Morgenstern)
What a nice, pleasant contrast. This poem is very topical, even and especially in these times with 10-m-plus-x-long queues at the tills. Who unimaginative or not in a position in the world of thought and life to enable Beschenkenden who gives love coupons.
vouchers for books, vouchers for Karstadt, vouchers for a shop. Did I mention spa vouchers yet?
of imagination now takes the aura of the project idea of of the vouchers. Behind this is an AG ( ), supporting the charitable projects. You can find out how many lack the equipment to achieve their project goals and still give his opinion in the form of a credit rating term. Donations and volunteer work benefits are also possible.
For 'better place' you not only get a thank you and to send the receipt delivered, no, it is the direct contact with companies funded allows to videos. I myself have engaged me for several years for a rhino project in Namibia and then got once in a newspaper with the progress of the project. A calf growing up observe a completely different charm would have been.
Good manners to get something in return for power seems undermined at Christmas time. At first glance. It was one of those already in the morning sometimes quite cold autumn days where the sun is then given fortunately from the lunch time one, in the now well-advanced course of the year, with a touch of summer on the road. We were in a similar and dissimilar, had certainly not rigorously exhibit the same philosophies, yet measurable intersection of the traits. A soul visited the other, the two spent time together. Christmas and Easter was a challenge. There has been some self- crafted and delivered more safely. My account number 131 292 0141 grew steadily at the Bank for humanity and Darwinism, and yet remained strangely empty. But there is another account filled faster: namely, that of distrust and doubt.
Christmas is the celebration of a new life to all those who feel exploited and misunderstood. They hope to return with this symbolic new beginning and a step forward simultaneously. In this context, the gift actually immanent important than - at second glance - Power for a better interpersonal living. And as a very good way to cracking open fire on suspicion of doubt (hopefully not) (ver).
Guaranteed despair (almost) in this week, the Green Party MP Volker Beck. Has for the office of mayor in the capital, fighting Renate Kuenast namely by Beck on Friday expressed Mißmutsbekundung the Green Parliamentary Group on the planned speech by the Pope to the Bundestag with the words "there we go, specifically with respect." kicked out. One can also understand Volker Beck for his hasty rejection, but he is the Pope as "objectively disordered" known. "Objectively disordered" - that's what. From such quibbles may KT and Co. have a thick slice cut.
That reminds me: What role could Volker Beck comfortable in the new government in Minsk ... 79.6% ... ill. Very bad. Moment. Cold winter? Russian natural gas? Transit? So once again: there was something in Minsk? Yes. A democratic election.
So, throw on the shock quickly aspirin (according to a recent study has even treat cancer). For "who daily 100 mg aspirin swallows can look forward - with a double protection." (Cornelia Ulrich, German Cancer Research Center)
Minsk To many opponents, however one wishes a baton-stroke and no protection.
Please stay alert, curious, tough ... and used for baking cookies only GOOD BUTTER. Just a word. Finger Dick.
PS: This year your donations go towards preference here: After Sarayacu .
The inhabitants of this Gallic village in the Amazon that is run for years (I had then pushed Rüdiger Nehberg on) a (at the end, unfortunately, probably futile) fight against the oil production in their country. The only chance is to find global hearing.
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