Hey, still 11 days until Christmas Eve. I used to have me really looking forward to this date (as with tree plastering from noon, Christmas music, cookies, large round coffee and a smaller evening mess round again), now in middle age old man of them but not much left. These are the most difficult days in a year.
Whether there could help a time machine? The 3 guys behind this project are all convinced, accumulate capital with a contract between the generations from the present until the year 2500 and to be able to welcome visitors on 12.12.2012 from the future. Whether such a "temponaut license" is not suitable as a Christmas gift? Or maybe better a Victoria's Secret calendar? Questions, questions.
First unerotic answers is here: www.timemachine1212.com and an entertaining article by Stephen Hawking on the subject here: click .
addition, there is:
Having now the terror of passing time have looked into the eye is a bit of "downshifting" is announced. No morning commuter rush, no smooth roads, no annoying colleagues, no concrete breaks, ... - Home Office is the code word. What works well in adults should be allowed for students. If it is not. At least not in Germany.
"My home is my school say" despite (or perhaps because of?) Now more and more German families, who would like to prepare the young to the "Home Office". Get a head start. Or something like that.
"Every child must go to school" (Sylvia Schill). Sure, the jays of the German educational forest report of alleged immediate danger if parents take arbitrarily the right to rest in their hands the education of the young.
It is often suggested that some families a real copy of the school year have created - with a solid curriculum and instruction, breaks and holidays.
The network of truants seems to work well, there is a lively exchange of tips for dealing with authorities, etc. and legal assistance, in extreme cases.
Several thousand families are practicing in Germany, a combination of home and school, as the Federal Republic is one of the few countries where there is a strict school attendance compulsory.
are now those who refuse the compulsory education entirely, or less forced to live in secret - permanent in a moral cross-fire - cause, always on the lookout for suspicious authorities, friends and neighbors. It is probably this state, which added to the affected families, more than any fine. The state wants / needs the control of its citizens and limits the benefit of one individual freedoms. The state contract, each signed (symbolically on his identity card) and accepted. Nevertheless - and this little example is just one of tens of others - must be left open spaces for individual lifestyles. The opportunity for children from such families, be eligible to take the high school is one of them. It is certainly a balancing act. On the one hand, the necessary trust by the state to parents, on the other hand, the bundle of responsibility on the shoulders of the parents (and the required time).
The successful integration into the social community - I suspect - is the main fear of the state, but also touches very existence and survival fears. But that the vast majority of parents know only too well. Or why they probably filed their children in other societies, choirs, etc. (the respective place of residence adjacent cities)?
trust is hard. Not only to doctors or bankers.
By the way: the American 'Home School Legal Defense Association' has backed the law in the U.S. in every state, the home-teaching. Whether this right is to export similar to the freedom in the world?
In a way, knowledge is also under the export goods - just as it is with WikiLeaks? After the arrest of Head of the organization hope that by publicly available documents secret cuckold, more control over the otherwise incomprehensible to get in his cloud of ink disappearing octopus.
"We are a civilized species. Why should anyone an improper advantage in future gain due to the fact that we do more together than one can know about us." (John Brunner)The quote from the shock wave rider has an apodictic character, even and especially in journalism. Now Julian Assange WikiLeaks deems a "new kind of journalism", which is why it is appropriate here weiterzuspinnen a bit.
example, behind the scam - Message and Document (Original document) to jointly publish - lies a truly enlightened mind, the question must be allowed: Why are the thousands of documents first selected contractors (such as a mirror or the Guardian) and delivered via the Internet only peu à peu unlocked?
Because a journalistic filter is necessary? Because you must generate capital? It's great until the maximum global attention - can reach - on the recognition of large, established news sites benefiting?
certainly play mostly very personal reasons for the first fiddle when it comes to the betrayal of internal information goes to third parties. But loyalty must mean the same silence? Of course not so well with the other ingredient morals are thrown into the balance must. Now we knead out the whole roll out the dough on the baking paper and place cookies on our forms. Almost done. How long does the sheet in the oven now, so that a digestible, bite-all goodies will come out?
20 minutes? 30 minutes? And what if I do not like cookies, but Christmas cake to know (without raisins), which is all, and therefore I have already set an extra plate? Let's taste you.
Hmm, what will probably fed this year winners of the Nobel Peace Prize on the evening of the ceremony? No one knows. Several minutes of applause at the Oslo City Hall for an empty chair created a surreal moment. The Western world has based its decisions fully and is now turning to the enduring symbolism of this scene. But the exact causes for the absence are complex and not with the excavator, rather expose with a scalpel. The times, they are a changin '.
So now to conclude with some strong stuff:
- The U.S. will next year host the UNESCO "World Press Freedom Day"
- On Wednesday, the verdict in the Khodorkovsky-start process and from the occasion, a scrap of conversation between a disgruntled guest and a court servant
Guest in the courtroom: "Is Russia about Putin?"
usher, "Who else?"
- Durban (venue of the next UN climate conference) is planning to pay for the collected urine in 20 l containers U.S. $ 4 per week to homeowners. Thus will the 3-million-inhabitant city keep the water from contamination due to widespread septic tanks. The pilot project comes from the Swiss aquatic research institute Eawag is and from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded
- Tomorrow In Italy, a confidence vote in Parliament. Berlusconi is prime minister of a country with a debt of 120% of GDP. Italy is thus one of the most highly indebted Countries of the world. In addition, tomorrow is a decision of the Supreme Court over a law that Berlusconi is in office, grant immunity from prosecution on corruption charges. What would happen if it instead of 1936 in Milan, was born in 1960 in China would be?
"Read in the Black Book of Communism and you will see that in Mao's China, no babies were eaten, but cooked in order to fertilize the fields." ; (Silvio Berlusconi)
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