"raining on St. Nicholas, the winter is severe, o horror."Since man a calendar of his own called, he has tried to identify regularities in the chaos - the physicists would call symmetry - the weakening him at least to some extent the feeling of utter helplessness are able.
(Bauer rule)
The so-called 'Lostage' fall into the category of regularities, but try to help their farmers for several centuries under the weather for a particular Follow-up period of at least narrow it down.
Applies to the above rule to the farm yesterday, Nicholas ... Sport Check will give their lessons no later than mid January, the new bikinis. Seriously. The make now in December.
Before I am now with my complete ignorance of the homo economicus further disgrace, I would rather keep a praise word on the climbers and paragliders Heiner Geissler. On 22 8 October, the first round of mediation began to rail project Stuttgart 21 in Stuttgart's town hall - track via live stream to the world on the net.
Proponents talk of greater efficiency (fewer tracks 37% more traffic), the opponents of any Improvement for freight congestion at peak times and exorbitant costs that could be usefully invested.
Mr. Geissler said in its arbitration proposal on 30 November: "We are back in the same dead end as yesterday." However, it was this - certainly not just for him - no surprise, as he concluded an agreement already made in advance. And the possibility of the referendum rejected on 28 October, the black-yellow coalition with its majority in parliament from. What remains is the call for improvements, according to a "stress test" (this could be my personal # 2 on the words of the year, right after "rescue") and after about the transfer of part of the railway station area in Hand Foundation for inner-city open spaces not to lose investors.
Bravo, Mr. Geissler, you have proven staying power, for the umpteenth repetition of the already thought x-fold argument certainly were frequently at a peaceful 2-m-beard and wear in thoughts about the summit can be. One had to take this job, someone had to announce at the end of these words. Thank you for your commitment.
And yet will remain the shell smacks of a certain understanding of democracy. By water cannon injured protesters reached a martyr status. Beetles much less. Decided to invest billions are not revised by an uprising of the people, but - at best - before the day of decision. The problem is probably not the lack of transparency in our democracy (I am thinking only of the mountains freely viewable plans to build the A 72), but the meticulous, factual (and also for non-traffic law or engineering professors holders) to understand (! !) representation of major projects. People must be informed and involved - in discussions, forums and interviews. The parties are the bastion of the representatives of the people. You must ensure that the aquarium glass are clean.
I wish the Stuttgart wing. Wing to be about Germany, Europe move away and to see: Hanoi, Bangladesh and severally a great team!
27, 27 (!) Years older than Heiner Geissler is on Sunday Jopi become Heesters. Insanity, 107 years and still on stage.
"charm can not be learned - the one has, or you do not have."-born Dutchman was in the 30s of last century to Germany and was by the regime as for the deflection of the people considered essential. Since 1975, he volunteers his time for the German Cancer Aid and is still in theaters or on television (the latter only with guest roles) in high esteem and recognized.
(Jopi Heesters)
In my generation (something between generation and generation Golf Facebook) the name of John Heesters is present, it is not to identify exactly which associations he is associated. Fossil, Lucky, Shadow, a model? Denunciation am far, but I have a respect for the joy of this man in his work. Wrong, in his vocation. It is this which drives us all. And who has not found, the search more please.
Jopi past year has been blinded by the way - and perhaps precisely this fact qualified to assume the role of God in everyone. Where? In Stuttgart.
Whether Gottschalk (na, that a reconciliation, so I would ask it;)) for the deflection of the people is as essential as it was certified Mr. Heesters will probably remain forever tied in with the uncertainty of his clothing choice. Only thing is that a candidate has miscalculated Bet. I've quickly from the teletext of the ARD on Sunday evening, "Wetten, dass .." by a major accident at . Learn
With spring legs of the race candidate would jump on him tioning for several cars, he got stuck in a and was seriously injured.
"You have to worry, how to sell something in the future?"Not only that, Thommy dear, how are you general with risks? A 23-year-old is leaving a show paraplegic before millions of viewers but it is richer by 30,000 €? A good deal?
(Thomas Gottschalk)
Nobody wants to take this opportunity to ZDF blame to be received with acceptance of such a bet incalculable risks. Nevertheless, one must be suspicious when the candidate several times in the samples is on their trousers. This would address the alarm bells, this might have been intensively must empathize with the candidate who must inspire the action later without error before a live audience of millions (and not only from samples guests). Wrong: traverse must!
Here you had on your feelings listen and take the bet from the program have. This ignorance about personal concerns can, no need to blame the team. Iacta alea est - either way.
The crux of entertainment television is to generate viewers. The culture journalist Alexander Kissler even speaks of the "Television as a delimitation industry". Interesting thought: the former first explored the moral boundaries, and later the mental and the physical now? But be careful. The program makers still sitting before the TV screen and holds the powerful decision-making tool in your hands. Better, he did not touch each day.
Say I now finally something to PISA? Oh, I'd rather talk Schavan: ". Read - in contrast to mathematics - needs inspiration and encouragement outside of school"
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