Friday, October 10, 2008

Silicon For Burned Victims

towards a sensible youth pornography bill

An attempt to "Youth pornography" to discuss practically .

recognize Looking through the whole boundless literature on the subject we have two source areas, which seem for the concrete work, both a bit unfortunate. Once, the whole battery of the combined social sciences, are being driven by moral theology and anthropology, social history and aesthetics - and one remains on beer and table-level staff room, the hostess wreath or even into the sewers of the stupid newspaper.

This methodological situation for many sexually tinted matters quite typical of the split between science and popular guest ever to take on the area abstruse standards. Where we should be careful, because not always have the saying wrong. Thus, pedophiles, to take one example, actually ill, they must be treated in terms of a strict behavior therapy, they should not approach primary schools, etc. For our range of youth pornography, but I seem to both approaches, the academic and the popular little sense.

a naive, pre-scientific methodology, unraveling the step by step, some situations can be tried as to be useful. try it.

youth pornography will always be regarded by the performer ago.

We do not have it with boiled or mentally tough but adults do. Young people are, whatever they may have already experienced so far, limited in their experiences. They have many social situations and mental processes can not yet go through. This does not mean that they must always be constrained, but they require in doubt, see our PROTECTION

The age limit should be omitted from the protection of any idea "suddenly" can of course only be considered rigid. Our criminal law does, however on smooth transitions to full responsibility very skillful consideration. This is not feasible. Where to explicitly applied to sexually active is pornography, the protection limit is 18 years chosen quite happy.

It is not at all on what the youth wants to be protected.

One of the unfortunate Übrigbleibsel from the inventory of 68 years is the myth of the child and Youth rights. Unless there are rights to protection or participation and internal democracy, no one will say something about it. But it is foolish and irresponsible in most cases, "decide" Children and young people about to make things like T ragweite they still can not comprehend fully.

Sexual areas are quite typical to complex issues where we may least of all to build on prior knowledge, experience and discernment of young people.

I have in the years of discussions in the "Young Forum" which - seen perfidy, meanness of the whole argument - at this point an honest word as in the feigned innocence over and over again Atmic, the immature Kinderknäblein "wanted it so himself." On the same plane, the surface-nimble finding that it makes the young but fun to act out sexually explicit front of the camera. And so should we let them go ahead?

We keep young people from many dangers. Alcohol restrictions (much too timid), tobacco, night time in nightclubs, etc. they benefit - and there is the important, particularly excluded from life experience-dependent area of sexuality remain?

third From young people must
ago pornographic representation be differentiated.

If I want to protect young people, I imposed on the grounds that I see as potential threats and what is the damage that will occur, or it can happen if my protective intervention does not occur.

Here begins the actual daily discussion - may I introduce values, what about the "morality", what role does the verdict of a fundamentally religious, a socialist, a naive, middle class, an academic group with a control which is supposed they all alike (be) taken?

Here we can protect the idea (point 1) to help you. Let the weal and woe of the young people, found that the intensity of the A rt of adult pornographic representation, a key role is assigned.

We have to distinguish strictly between two basic forms of youth pornography:
Once the explicit representation of specific sexual H andlunge n. I put all three words in bold, to distinguish because they are equally necessary. In specific sexual acts, we first understand the known primary and alternative forms of sexual intercourse in the strict sense. In addition a Intermediate form that would be classified according to their intensity, namely, masturbation. Such transition zones are necessary. I can understand the simple erection, also accompanied by masturbatory self-operation, not considered a "sexual act", which sees the boy is not "tragic" and the broader public smiles as more sympathetic. Other hand, I expect the inclusion of an ejaculating boys to concrete sexual act in the strict sense. More importantly, this transitional zone is in girls. Leda, with or without a swan - which is caressing, masturbating girls act more or less explicitly sexual, while use can arise no doubt about a dildo from the classification as explicit and specific.

So we have two basic forms of pornographic act or representation.

The non-specific needs in any explicit, we say, go unpunished in any of its forms. attacks in the media, yes still the very strict and very good protection in the media, and other excesses, we think of the sado-masochistic area may indicate the body. Proliferation (and of course the possession) of not explicit, not concrete youth pornography is penalized in an enlightened country.

This is much have to say. Since our criterion but not any imaginary "morality" should be, but the question of whether something forbidden to C lass of young people to avoid Chaden of S and. must be limited, can be formulated all in: Even when not explicit youth pornography to the participating young people suffer harm, it can nehmebn damage - but it remains well below the Außmaß the possible damage caused by the explicit youth pornography, that it can be tolerated. There is growing up without damage it.

We assert the possibility of serious injury, threat of Dangers to young people through youth explicit pornography.

This includes the risk of Ä AUTION by the Company. Neither should we ever not listen to libertine, radical sexual reformist, feminist or radical homosexual groups, circles, circles. This may not arrive when we discover that large areas of population, the public presentation, the presentation of, the involvement of specific sexual tabulisieren not only pornography, but to reveal the contempt. I do not need further explanation, it is well known.

The participation of young people get while in the public mind a kind of "bonus" - he knows no better, we were all young once, etc. But the misfortune is, that this indulgence later, when the once actors now long since grown are deleted and Professor, access Sekundanerin as two in every respect well-built wildlife officers in the hut was the social death falls victim when the film, twenty years later, in the auditorium suddenly projected on the wall.

this "social death" is facing a spiritual counterpart. Since it is difficult to grasp and has the disadvantage, "moralinsauer" founded to be, I interpret the facts here only. The joy, the thrill comes at ponographischen acting from knowledge of the breaching of the intimacy. I something profane in itself (and still) very sacred, Personal deliberately, as I am a multitude of imaginary audience and specific intermittent.

Why should not the young people that tickle may (also) enjoy? Because it is a sexually daring, unusual, (I do not say deviant) behavior is to know that although nearly all adults and enjoy often, but that should be assigned to a later stage of development. The pleasure of sexually explicit is self-expression, we feel, not necessarily youths. In contrast, the desire, especially the older boys on his own heart as it were fresh and newly designed body legendary, even the massive Indecent exposure in the behavior of young girls, we all know. All this does not apply to the showing of the sexual act. This seems to be not mentally youths. Even if we stay here only suspected, it seems to me in the filming of the sexual act, when practiced by young people, something not age-appropriate, can be as emotionally S ch ä southern.

Far geifbarer but the danger posed by the M ilieu in the movies and photos are produced sexually specific way. I can connect Dr. Kaiser in no way and defend myself vigorously against the bright, sunny Bld, which they characterized by the emergence of explicit pornography youth in Holland, etc.. Although, in this area, in the Netherlands has always been all a bit different than anywhere else - we will present and discuss hopefully even closer together, and - but the alleged innocence and gaiety, so film with our conquered Eastern peoples youth pornography, as if it puppet or cultural films, I think is a pretty irresponsible and mendacious myth.

On closer inspection are very many young people in Eastern Europe conservative values, they are ashamed of sexually explicit Abfilmerei and do all this just for the new God, who is called € or dollars.

The environment in which sexually explicit photographs and filming will be to assess for the emotional development of young people mostly negative, on several levels. One does not unravel in more detail, the offer has already most intimate feelings for G eld chadenspotentiale a rat tail complex mental S in the wake. If we ban the youth prostitution, and may then have to also we put a stop to the youth pornography.

far - please do not underestimate the restrictions - this penalization is based on the presentation very concrete sexual acts. We come soon, through the implementation of the unhappy youth pornography law in its present form, in an almost unbelievable judicial chaos not by the reasonable and desirable core of its provisions, but by

* sloppy and excessive expenses in the transition zone between represented J ugenderotik and concrete, explicit sexuality ä youth t.


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