light and shade in the age of blog
"What is remarkable in any case that two identical laws phrases" Who pornographic writings (§ 11 para 3), the sexual acts, or of children (§ 176 paragraph 1) have as their object "and" Who pornographic regulations (§ 11 para 3), the sexual acts, on or before 14:00 to 18:00 years, people have as their object "to have completely different meanings to this representation. (...) I lack the energy to understand even to do, it probably remains to be seen anyway, what the Penal Code commentators and courts will make of it. (07/07/2008) "
In this point is our best match: The pornography issue was handled sloppily, the black Peter dealt the courts. We may not adopt one law. It will go in the near future almost solely on the interpretation of what is pornography, in which case and what is not.
The law calls for the art of title, which - will be by far the greatest source of conflict, one based on each individual case, careful identification and evaluation - in photography and film. The Penal Code commentators and courts can not and should not really have to clarify on such a scale, which has left open the legislature.
"I would be interested in real time, or even realistic case studies in which persons are subject to the application of the previous version of the law was harmed, which would have application in the proposed text can be prevented. (21.11.07)"
"But this only makes sense if then the acceptable forms of prostitution and sex work consistently with a total civil protection standards for the benefit of persons working there were safe. (F 15.05.2008)
your naivety compared to the very real dangers and abuses associated with the production of explicit pornography by young people is impressive. A very schönfärbende attitude towards a show for young people is actually very negative in the third quote / translation of you approved unfortunate choice of words "sex work". "sex work" is charged in a high degree than the lying word emazipatorischen (ha!) prostitutes organizations and other groups.
The thing is impossible, when one does so, is to young (and not just for her) prostitution and the production / participation of / to any explicit pornography Job as any other. Here act anyway unfortunate, criminogenic, self-destructive and alien forces, many young people are not increased. The networks between exploitation, drug addiction, Strichjungentum and forced brothel are not always there - but often.
I know from old times, the Dutch, Danish, and especially the Prague and other porn scenarios at close range and I assure you that should ask every responsible person, prohibiting explicit porn production by young people. us If you could do that, with consistent use of existing laws, so far largely already. But if you want to cut now, the European Parliament this abscess creation of the H in Europe, this is highly commendable . That they will continue to develop clandestine then, is another matter.
But should it not be taken against the property that patination be observed and delimitation to a "soft" pornography by law to be made.
That said, the production is - and banned distribution of porn to endorse products with young people.
"On the pedophile hatred introduces a questionable in itself an enemy criminal law, that it is because of the increasing blurring of the concepts and advancements of criminality in ever abstraktete preparation or threat actions ultimately the whole population reprimands. (15/01/2008)"
"Certainly it is true that the extreme emotional rejection of pedophilia, which is currently present in our society, (21.11.07)"
"This is before knowing the aversion to pedophiles as well as the fear terrorism by the proponents of an increasingly power-hungry becoming totalitarian system successfully exploited populist. (21.11.07) "
" And, of course, people are afraid to talk about the issue or to add a contrary position, which only the one-sidedness of the debate (as far as the average person overlooking) confirmed. (R 07/07/2008) "
" the fascist mind control that exists today, should be repealed. (R 07/07/2008) "
" It is to be expected, as the current policy is to resolve the conflict: In most restrictive, punitive and prudish way. (3.6.2008) "
"then the current determination" against child molesters so high that the statement alone, one would take measures to that effect, entirely sufficient to silence any critics. Who wants to be seen in a corner with pedophiles? (21.11.07) "
These remarkable many sociological and social psychological hypotheses you're doing a concern no good. You set the legislators suspected it was not too serious about his idea of protection, konstruierst most daring societal theories to Verschwörtungstheorien. This is put as clouds in trafficking, and you could speculations of this kind better left to the half-light media, "Gigi".
course, are the motives that are going to play with, I myself use it in the polemical discussion days. But I would still want us to lawmakers to inform the legislature did not so often and so penetrating in suspicion.
Two small spoke in passing (for relaxation):
"In fact, it is probably so that the boundaries between prepubertärem postpubertärem appearance and are more fluent in any case, more in boys than in Girls and that the sexual interest of people who describe themselves as pedophiles, be extended entirely to post-pubescent adolescents and young adults can. .. (21.11.07) "
's right now and there are not very clear criteria for distinguishing between pre-and postpubertärem appearance of contrast - and this is one of the sloppiness in the new law - the difference between before and after . 18 absolutely not at all, and are identifiable That it is well also have been clear, perhaps here is easy only a copying error -
are even more clearly the interest accrued from about (child) pedophiles and ephebophile;. there is almost no no transitions. These are two different sensitivity and life worlds.
"These are all reasons that come to mind spontaneously, why pedophiles just maybe show a special interest and a willingness to talk about a ban on youth pornography. (21.11.07)"
level, this interest they do not. They are, this is obvious, when it found some "relief" - the new law is a real godsend for the pedophiles . The basic theme of youth pornography as such, they take care in their forums rather little.
"Whatever the motivation brought you to blog, when Dieter Gieseking still separates most of the comments on the blog, should not you be surprised if your blog or even your person will be regarded as a supporter of Pädeophilen scene." (Z 21.11.07)
"Oh, sorry. Good evening, since I've read something wrong. Then it must of course be many more visitors, logically. this weblog there's still not all too long. A little more "advertising" can not hurt. This way can also help the well-known forums. So, always busy here, left to set, etc. .. ! This is very important - and just the person concerned should not be reluctant etc. Greetings Dieter-K13 (Z 01/17/2008)
"mignon (anonymous) - 13 Sep, 12:48. Gigi article read better. A more readable version of Gigi article can be found here: https: / / (Z 13.11.2007) "
" And I think , in a factual debate ad hominem arguments have actually lost nothing, not the quality of an argument depends on the person who submits. (21.11.07) "
"With such a sensitive issue - just the age of consent for children - I would have liked but also comments on the Phädophilen aspect of the topic" desired age of "... and to expect ... a discussion of these issues ... and a clear dissociation more ... Phädophilen comments from this I would also uncommented Never leave ... (Z 21.11.07) "
Mignon and Dieter Gieseking - because you lock together dog and cat but why not? If the pedophile is not given a platform outside their little playpen, most notably the "Young Forum"? One should not do it.
Not because of her personality, not because of their unfortunate tendency, but because of their rigid ideology .
Dieter Gieseking is as a person not unsympathetic. He is still open and courageous and is different in nature from most other children pedophiles.
go to the latter in itself absurd formulation I, because in the international and the German language, even pedophilia and pederasty are used almost inextricably crossed and interlocked. There may Wiki - all the way with excellent definitions - are still struggling so much: It leaves no longer define themselves. (Child) pedophiles (Before puberty) and ephebophilia (after puberty) - with this distinction, we come out in the boys section still best.
For lovers postpubertärer my girl right there is no rational expression, which is because that pleasure is completely self-evident to post pubescent maiden in every culture on earth. Even in Utah and Colorado.
After this digression back to Dieter Gieseking and Mignon. What I say now, is based on months-even years of intermittent own discussions in the aforementioned "Young Forum.
I'm there again and again failed on one point: pedophiles hold almost without exception, to the absurd construction of the "consensual relationship" manner, they deny the overwhelming balance of power between adult and child, and show absolutely no desire to the S chad, they mentally to inflict upon the children are constantly in danger, even to take note.
I put in the here because I have to give the Council: E very discussion and further development in the area of sexual criminal law in the broadest sense should take place under exclusion of the Orthodox pedophiles. Why? They are caught in a vicious circle that can not break as long as their potential danger not want to recognize. Dieter Gieseking and the Jung Forum Mignon with both, despite their differences, together in a spell of denial and glossing over self-deception locked .
Their contribution to the sexual Emanzpation is poisoned by an ineffable self-indoctrination against the blackest of Stalinism was a realm of spiritual freedom. If one knows their completely idiotic technique of tartness Tens improperly aligned "scientific" work outsider, her irresponsible -ironic Nichtzurkenntnisnehmen latest damage reports , then I am that, in many weeks of discussions suffering to endure there.
F = Foreign quote in the blog Z = reader letter to the blog
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