Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Locations Of Glory Holes Denver

Meteorological early spring

The rejoicing was indeed yesterday, but in the political garden - also due to climate change? - The songbirds all year round. Is also unusual that make station owners before the start of the main breeding season from the dust. Since the chicken is left unexpectedly and suddenly looking for a new station. Just like that? Well, no, animal behavior is usually predictable. In the case of the now dust in the grain's Zoogespräch presented gelled Goldcrest (Regulus zuguttus) it was very much unpredictable.

something like a small phoenix from the ashes rose this representative of the Passeriformes from his nondescript life in the dense forests of the southern country toward a life as it is granted only a few representatives of his family. He leapt upon him, to fly with the eagles, on the highest peaks of this country anyway and on top along the highest mountains in the world. What a development!

"Pride goeth before a fall" is an old German proverb which is related to the life of the bird in close relationship. Early in his long journey were called the companion still Aquila Petraeus and others and made them our chicken once before what. It was found in the world along immediately chirped almost on par with them and left no doubt on his leadership.

straightforwardness, reliability, trust, and vision were the distinctive features that the relatives who stayed at home and we attributed ornithologists as an observer (although behavioral ecologists should avoid as far as possible in human terms and interpretations of animal behavior), the young bird. And that was indeed no accident.

"Clothes make the man" is another saying, which also includes some counterparts in the animal kingdom are evoked. I am thinking of the arcades (7 genera) - or the frigate birds (5 species).

Some build on a great home, her throat blow the other bag and indulge in the Kleptoparasitismus. Females love it when the secondary sexual characteristics are large, conspicuous, ostentatious and made the bargain to the creative review. (Edit:. Clearly, the educated readers to never fall in) and while they attract one sex, they are for the other characters of the challenge, signs of struggle, mark of living competition for scarce resources. Whether birds, wild boar or Lemur, as long as the artinternen game rules are followed, all is well. The stronger one gets the best female reproduces itself, enlarged his territory. How life.

Our Goldcrest had settled in well in the world of eagles. No matter how cold winter, no matter how scarce food supply seemed his strength to leave. It was remarkable. His respect within the group grew steadily until, even up to this "accident." When hunting a large group of young eagle on fleeing sheep there was a tragic incident. No animal is more prey than it can consume itself, for the senseless killing is reserved for the human animals. But the Eagles made more loot than they needed themselves. Much more.

The eagles do not understand how it could happen. How they got into such a fatal blood lust? It was necessary conclusions are drawn. Two old and very experienced Adler was banned in part of the group. The bizarre life of a small bird went on amid great hunter. become

But then suddenly seemed the cuckoo model for today's bird of the day to be. A strange egg was hatched as their own and as the boy finally slipped, it behaved as polyglottos mime. No young eagle also.
an affront to the wise eagle that was! This screamed, called for the exclusion from the group because of unworthiness. Unworthiness is a strong word. It can tear vulnerable minds into the abyss and so is our little bird lurched powerfully back and forth. Some faithful protected him initially (half-heartedly), but the pressure of the Elders grew. Finally, stayed for the Goldcrest only one alternative, it would not even be the food. It went back to its rightful spot in the local pine forest.

And the moral of the story: Trust the little birds and do not trust them.


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