Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Extend A Room In A House?

At sea and in the city

Shots from last weekend ( click is worth it because sometimes backed by nearly 4 MP ). The last
shown here is from Berlin.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Locations Of Glory Holes Denver

Meteorological early spring

The rejoicing was indeed yesterday, but in the political garden - also due to climate change? - The songbirds all year round. Is also unusual that make station owners before the start of the main breeding season from the dust. Since the chicken is left unexpectedly and suddenly looking for a new station. Just like that? Well, no, animal behavior is usually predictable. In the case of the now dust in the grain's Zoogespräch presented gelled Goldcrest (Regulus zuguttus) it was very much unpredictable.

something like a small phoenix from the ashes rose this representative of the Passeriformes from his nondescript life in the dense forests of the southern country toward a life as it is granted only a few representatives of his family. He leapt upon him, to fly with the eagles, on the highest peaks of this country anyway and on top along the highest mountains in the world. What a development!

"Pride goeth before a fall" is an old German proverb which is related to the life of the bird in close relationship. Early in his long journey were called the companion still Aquila Petraeus and others and made them our chicken once before what. It was found in the world along immediately chirped almost on par with them and left no doubt on his leadership.

straightforwardness, reliability, trust, and vision were the distinctive features that the relatives who stayed at home and we attributed ornithologists as an observer (although behavioral ecologists should avoid as far as possible in human terms and interpretations of animal behavior), the young bird. And that was indeed no accident.

"Clothes make the man" is another saying, which also includes some counterparts in the animal kingdom are evoked. I am thinking of the arcades (7 genera) - or the frigate birds (5 species).

Some build on a great home, her throat blow the other bag and indulge in the Kleptoparasitismus. Females love it when the secondary sexual characteristics are large, conspicuous, ostentatious and made the bargain to the creative review. (Edit:. Clearly, the educated readers to never fall in) and while they attract one sex, they are for the other characters of the challenge, signs of struggle, mark of living competition for scarce resources. Whether birds, wild boar or Lemur, as long as the artinternen game rules are followed, all is well. The stronger one gets the best female reproduces itself, enlarged his territory. How life.

Our Goldcrest had settled in well in the world of eagles. No matter how cold winter, no matter how scarce food supply seemed his strength to leave. It was remarkable. His respect within the group grew steadily until, even up to this "accident." When hunting a large group of young eagle on fleeing sheep there was a tragic incident. No animal is more prey than it can consume itself, for the senseless killing is reserved for the human animals. But the Eagles made more loot than they needed themselves. Much more.

The eagles do not understand how it could happen. How they got into such a fatal blood lust? It was necessary conclusions are drawn. Two old and very experienced Adler was banned in part of the group. The bizarre life of a small bird went on amid great hunter. become

But then suddenly seemed the cuckoo model for today's bird of the day to be. A strange egg was hatched as their own and as the boy finally slipped, it behaved as polyglottos mime. No young eagle also.
an affront to the wise eagle that was! This screamed, called for the exclusion from the group because of unworthiness. Unworthiness is a strong word. It can tear vulnerable minds into the abyss and so is our little bird lurched powerfully back and forth. Some faithful protected him initially (half-heartedly), but the pressure of the Elders grew. Finally, stayed for the Goldcrest only one alternative, it would not even be the food. It went back to its rightful spot in the local pine forest.

And the moral of the story: Trust the little birds and do not trust them.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Can I Buy Belikin Beer In The Us?


How can you call it when the phone number has been chosen almost at the same moment and just call those phone numbers? Two addicts, a thought - sort of.

Yesterday's Saturday began with a Cutting of trees before the law reserved for the window closes again until autumn. My thoughts, however, were already on the motorway, heading for Thuringia. Body and wing came together from 12 clock with the caller from the previous day.

The weather forecast was pretty clear, and promised in the Executive Summary airtime until the evening. At 7-8 kt SO and 8 hours of sunshine can develop in un-or little-covered south-facing slopes in our region in February first usable thermals. This theory was confirmed to our drive. With S.

in tow (who are not so all outdated on the highway) it was first though to a much flatter and covered (as the above-intentioned) south at Wichmar . The Jenzig would still hacking it was reported from Kenner mouth. Our intuition was more tired at the sight of wind turbines on the road acting may not be exactly the feeling of consent raised, however, we relied on the local and changed the route.

Only 5 kilometers before I took this picture, we saw two screens really high fly over the forest. The greeting of C. was accordingly made up as: "I WAS HIGH!" Oh but hold your ****! pf One might, begrudge his friends every success. ;-)

Well, and as the image itself shows: When we had unpacked, the wind had packed. A Abgleiterli had to loosen the flight muscles enough before - following the original plan - continue to Jenzig went.

The air was already brightly when we arrived, and together with the Berliners, the short climb addressed. An 8-hour Spinning Marathon? "So something would have to lure me with gifts," the author's thoughts were when he learned of Ms enterprises.

were top you - we're prepared - the ultimate clothes changed and made ready to go. An understated O-felling is for pilots who can start certainly no problem. To me he was preparing at the launch site but some headaches, especially as the trees rustled in the meantime bad, I've been doing this hill with good experience and nice to please stay that way. 15 minutes (and two safe start next to me) later, I had then finally in focus. Slowly raise to undermine unscrew, take off weight forward. Done.

Video Session of H.

thermals, many pilots, reliable climbing, fantastic weather, ... just come and learn to fly. For I can describe this experience unfortunately not accurately with words.

To De-briefing we have in the near Pub German oak "arrived. Nomen est omen? No, not Nazis at the start. But an illustrated book on the Dolomites on the windowsill, a very interested landlady ("So many I've seen here flying than ever before. [...] Where do all come from? [...] Know Where did the that the wind not too strong? [...]") and a fixed kitchen crew. Our table was full, 12.5% of women - expanded, there was another heroic stories to hear the finest and certainly outrageous anecdotes.

The final award is due to C. However, because no one thought men can transmit coded so perfect: "Good night guys, I'm going again on the ... "

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Difference Between Acne And Herpes

A winter day in Elbsandsteingebirge

The great advantage of train travel is to avoid motorized transport. Toller set. So I was yesterday just before 4 clock to have the flap 128 km distance to the Saxon Switzerland still managed before lunch.

A Spiegel cover story, a small excursion guides and more MP3s was later It finally arrived at 8.43 clock. Arrival at the train station of Bad Schandau Who 172 B to the right bank bank sees changes, first a penny-market, then a petrol station, the view towards the city center, finally reaches the town church and the Ostrava lift.

led along the Elbe cycle path route from the city over to Postelwitz and just beyond the city limits up Obrigensteig.

A few months ago I had the road a little later - at the start of the ground bar - leave now, this walk was the first time yesterday on the program. Shortly after the meeting both ways at the viewpoint of Falkenstein is a path leading down to the wet Tilke. Target. I gave up on Bear Grylls-action and followed instead the many wild changes in direction parallel to the lath base trail parking lot.

was the bottom, turn it right back up, finally the intended route and yet in the unnecessary loss of time, unfortunately, with luggage.

The basic shooting out the bike route in the national park and thus on a dirt road that brings me quickly to the monkey stones. The weather forecast held on to her the day before yesterday ceded word and brought the finest winter sun. So satisfied, it was about time, a little documentary material for this little autograph book to collect:

first attempt at HDR, emerged from 9 frames

Unfortunately settled shortly after the two squirrels on the feeder to Reitsteig not for a short break at the foot of Spruce persuade. The Reitsteig binds to the coming of the south cycle route, which was followed by bare floor.

located just before 12, I am at the entrance to Häntzschelstiege. Finally.

between the lower and upper part of the stairway is a lookout point that I (we) had last visited in stormy atmosphere (s).

Why does the Sun just race time and why things can disappear forever? Order to find new ones. After all, yesterday was sunny and it threatened no lightning.

180 ° HDR panorama of 36 individual images

nothing for weight, the second part of the way up to the base of the former Marine.

Kraxelei The small but worth it all:

Back on track we should 800 m later absolutely plan a trip to Caroline rocks. Why? Och:

I now followed the Zurückesteig to robins stairs. This, it was downhill to descend ...

... and after a brief interlude snow ...

... in an arch over the lower noise floor and terrace walk to reach again. This road is a toll road. SOO BEAUTIFUL!

Something like what I call love at first sight :

The route will be addressed this year
The view of the clock pointed to me a further 1.5 h to the sunset and the view of the map about 1.8 km to the desired observation point for just that one. Time enough then to stop, the climbers on the noise against the light tower to be envied and the landscape very like it.

oxidation weathering
Next time I shall rest, front angle and central angle from the first and then rise near the Schrammsteinaussicht again. This combination promises more variety than the fact this once elected - almost, thankfully - "known" Schramm Trail.

The approaching cold front with snow in the luggage had just five western sky, unfortunately, been so taken in fitting, inevitable conclusion that my image had hoped for. So the pack was again unsuccessfully searched for probably ultimately not miraculously multiplying food, canceled the remaining tea for the train and begun the journey home. I'll be back. But no train.

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